Welcome to Granny’s Front Porch!
This website is a collection of essays, guides, recipes, and information from three sisters connected spiritually, emotionally, and biologically. Seeds were planted years ago on their Granny’s front porch as issues of life, death, disappointment, triumph, and the day-to-day were discussed over a cup of coffee and the creaking of the front porch swing. From their front porch roots, they’ve each blossomed in different ways and flourished in their own areas. With deep appreciation, the sisters, Krista, Jennifer, and Emily, would like to dedicate this endeavor to their beloved maternal ancestors.
Let’s Meet the Sisters!
I live on six acres by a lake in the rural suburbs of Jackson, Mississippi with my husband, 6 cats, 2 dogs and a variety of wildlife and creatures outside my back door. I am a mother of three magnificent daughters, on the cusp of being an empty nester. After graduating college I jumped right into domestic life, raising a family, managing a household, teaching preschool and helping others when I could along the way. Family has always been very important to me, along with serving in and connecting with my community. I have had many hobbies and interests over the years, including gardening, baking, herbalism, nature, health and wellness. Yet during my whole life, spirituality has always been a thread throughout it all. Though I was raised with a strong Christian faith, I now embrace other ideologies and philosophies and have been able to synergize these into a personal spiritual practice. I am always open to learning new things and listening to God. I have recently opened a wellness center, Holistic Health and Healing, where I have joined with a handful of other practitioners to provide alternative modalities to connect mind, body, soul and spirit. My personal focus right now is on my Yoga practice and Reiki, which is a Japanese form of Energy Healing. The work here on Granny’s Front Porch is a very important component to helping keep those connections to family and community. I look forward to seeing where it will take us.
Krista Tew
I am a mother of one who works as a Special Education Teacher and live with my partner Valjon. I move around frequently, and have lived in Colorado, Florida, and Hawaii, but have mostly lived within Louisiana and Mississippi most of my life. In 2014, I purchased my maternal grandparents’ home site in Catahoula Parish, Louisiana in the town of Jonesville. The home is on the Troyville Earthworks site, which I consider to be my spiritual, heart-and-soul home. I am a contributor to Granny’s Front Porch.
I graduated from Louisiana State University with a Major in Sociology and a Minor in English Language and Literature. I have completed 30+ graduate hours in education. I have written poems, short stories, essays, and research all my life, but I have never pursued publishing them until this endeavor with Granny’s Front Porch. I am a student of consciousness, spirituality, Indigenous world views, land/nature energies, and healing arts. I am a grid worker, working with land/nature energies wherever I find myself.
Jennifer Adams
I live on the site where my mother grew up in Louisiana. I’ve been a homeschool mom and a full-time housewife. I finally decided to demote myself to part-time housewife, once I realized it paid the same. I juggle several seasonal remote jobs through my virtual assistant company at Emily Hester Virtual Assistant Services. But my true passion is writing (and of course, feeding stray cats, raccoons and opossums).
In 2009, I began blogging my devotional ponderings on my website Gentled by the Word. In 2012, I blogged my ups and downs of implementing green living in my home for three months on my website Temporarily Green. Later the blog evolved into another website Be Magnolia Green. I continued to share my adventures implementing greener alternatives in my home. Later it branched out from just blogging to starting a cartoon strip, making handmade soaps, and thrifting treasures for resale. I have since moved on from Be Magnolia Green adventures. But I still share and incorporated my Be Magnolia Green content as a category here on Granny’s Front Porch. I am the main content creator, researcher, and administrator for this website.
Emily Hester
Thanks so much for posting this. I was born at Walters, LA near my grandpa Dave’s old home place off Hwy 28. But spent my early years in Manifest just across the road from Huffman Cemetery. We moved to a place on Ackland Lane south of Jonesville in 1946. Over the years, I’ve been back a few times, but have strong memories of Manifest, especially visiting my Uncle Walter and Aunt Ruby Creel-Huffman.
I’m curious to know where your Granny’s home place is. It looks vaguely familiar.
Good luck with your website, it is a pleasure to see family respecting their family and doing their best to pass along traditions and cultural practices to future generations.
–Fred Huffman
You are very much welcomed Mr. Huffman! The Wright’s old home place is on Highway 8, 117 Daisy Lane…about a mile past Manifest, going toward Whitehall. It sits lower than the highway on the south side of the road. I didn’t grow up there so I do not know your Aunt and Uncle, but I’m sure my granny did.
Thank you for your encouragement, it means a lot to us!
I love this site! ty so much!