Mother’s Flower Garden
In honor of Mother’s Day, I wanted to share a collection of photos and a poem written by my granny about my Great Grandma Wright’s lovely yard. Thanks to my dear sister Jennifer for sharing with me her beloved collection of my Granny’s journals and photos. Enjoy and Happy Mother’s Day!
Can’t you just see her now
With such happiness on her brow,
Walking about enjoying the flowers
Where she spent so many happy hours.
Come take a walk with me
And together we will see.
All the beauty of the flowers
Where Mother spent so many hours.
Before we start walking, we’ll stop here
And see the beauty that is near.
The Purple Iris in front of the house
Bordered by the pink blooms of Oxalis.
And scattered along in the beds
A variety of flowers raise their heads.
There are Larkspur, Petunias, and Little Red Roses
With sweet perfumes that fills our noses.
We begin our walk down the aisle
Between the house and long flower bed.
This stroll will take us quite a while
With so many stops to be made.
All down beside the house
Are flowers of many colors.
The beautiful Azaleas and Lilies red
And there is a Callow Lily raises its head.
The Star of Bethlehem so very blue
And so many Dwarf Gladiolas too.
Here and there mixed in between
Blue Grass and Pink Oxalis can be seen.
Day Lilies in red, orange and pink
That Big Holly Bush needs cutting, I think!
Because it never has any berries
And the time of its beauty varies.
In the early spring there were so many bulbs
Blooming out in so much beauty.
But now they are a sleep in the earth
Waiting for the time of their re-birth.
Near the center of the bed is a large shrub
Covered with clusters of pretty white blossoms.
Then growing all around
The Lily and Iris can still be found.
At the end of the bed is an Althea bush
That soon will be in full bloom.
And scattered around a few early things
That await the coming of spring.
The Pink Running Rose on the well frame
So many lilies we call by name.
Different kinds and colors all around
With a special one that is yellow brown.
Across the yard on the other side
It’s the English Dogwood in all its glory
It stands forth in snow white beauty
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