Bumper Car Faith
Do you ever feel like you are going through this life in a bumper car? In my walk to follow Christ, I feel like this most of the time. I get in my car and head in one direction until, I go BUMP! Then I turn another direction and try that one a while until I go BUMP again. Is that BUMP that stops us good or bad, a blessing or a curse? Or is the bump just a good ole parental discipline of do not go there, as a road block to stop us from going off the side of a cliff. I believe we each are going to have different bumps in this life that redirect us on our journey. Walking in faith one day at a time is challenging. I pray that we each ask for God to keep our bumper cars in alignment no matter which direction we head.
Oh, I know that feeling too well. Maybe if we could just remember that bumper cars are supposed to be fun, we won't feel like each crash is caused by a mistake we made or some type of failure on our part. But rather just another adventure to experience. So I pray that we can enjoy life as we are being bumped around. And redirect our carts with a smile on our face and laughter in our hearts. Here's to safe driving.