To Irmarie and Scott

From left to right, Irmarie Scott (August 8, 1918 - September 19, 2010),
Malcolm Scott (November 2, 1914 - February 26, 2001),
and Dee Laprarie Bass (April 28, 1911 - January 28, 2005)
My granny wrote this poem after a visit from her sister Irmarie and brother-in-law “Scott” (Malcolm). Not only were Dee and Irmarie sisters, they were great friends!

I’m sitting here feeling so alone,
After all my loved ones have gone.
Leaving me feeling very weary,
And my world seems so dreary.
I really do feel like crying
Even though I am trying
To go through the day with a smile
My heart is aching all the while.
My sweet family is such a blessing
Their absence keeps me guessing
Why we all have to be apart
And I sit here with a broken heart.
I missed you so much after you left
I felt so sorry for myself.
This old house seemed so lonely
As if it was here for me only.
I love you both so very much
And still feel your loving touch
As you said good bye to me that day
In a hurry to be on your way.
I hope you made it home okay,
And picked up “Meme” on the way.
And the three of you got settled in
Before night, away from the chilling wind.
It was such a pleasure for us all to meet.
Our time together was very sweet.
I’ll treasure the memories until we can be
All together again for a “Jubilee.”
I love my family with all my heart
It breaks me up to be apart
But we all know God made the plans
And all our lives are in His hands.
Maybe my story is a little sad
But really it isn’t that bad.
I’m snug and warm within my house
With memories of family, friends and spouse.
Really who could ask for more?
God watches from the heavenly shore
He keeps me safe and supplies my needs
And helps me with my daily deeds.
I am happy! Oh so happy, because
God is keeping me so well
And I really have no cause
To be down in the “Well.”
So up I come with a smile on my face
All ready to finish life’s race
With a lighter load and a hopeful heart
That only a short time we’ll be apart.
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