On Siblings
Our mother, Nelda, used to say, “You will always have each other.”
Our mother, Nelda, used to say, “You will always have each other.”
Our mother, Nelda, used to say: “If you see someone standing all alone on the side of the room, especially a new person, it is YOUR responsibility to walk over, introduce yourself, and make them feel welcome!”
Our mother, Nelda, used to say, “Don’t you even pass by someone you’ve even seen before, without at least smiling or saying hello!”
Our mother, Nelda, used to say: “As soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning, turn around and make up your bed!”
Our mother, Nelda, used to say: “Don’t put it down. Put it away!”
Our mother, Nelda used to say: “A place for everything, and everything in its place.”