Horton Burris – On This Date in 1813
On this date, the 11th of March in 1813, Horton was born in Highland County, Ohio, USA to Daniel Burris and Mary Horton. Horton Burris was married to Mahala Davis and had 8 children.** He passed away on 23 Feb 1878 in Greensboro, Henry County, Indiana, USA.*
Source: *Find A Grave
**Source: Ancestry.com
Here is how we are related:
Our parents – Floyd Dee Adams was married to Nelda Grace Laprarie
Floyd Dee’s parents – ^Ida Mae Burris was married to Floyd Brazier Adams
Ida Mae’s parents – ^^Asa Azil Burris was married to Rosa Pearl Raabe
Asa Azil’s parents – ^^^William Henry Burris was married to Jane Deborah Garner
William Henry’s parents – ^^^^Asahel Burris was married to Sarah Ann Garner
Asahel’s parents – ^^^^^Horton Burris was married to Mahala Davis
(^) stands for
each generation
between our
parents and Horton.
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